Santa Claus is coming to Heideveld and he is not letting load shedding stand in his way.
Reginald Peters-Abrahams has been making children’s Christmas experience special for the past four years by decorating his home with festive lights, giving them cookies and milk, as well as a supper on Christmas Eve, when he comes dressed as Father Christmas.
Reginald says he came up with the idea while driving home one day in December.
Reginald says: “I saw how many children were standing at the robots asking for something to eat. It was children of all ages, race and religion.
“I realised that poverty didn’t choose who to hit and was also reminded about a time in my life where we didn’t have and my mother would still make sure that our bellies were full, while sharing the little we had.”
Reginald says his vision started off with feeding mense every Thursday, but he decided over the years to make it more special as Christmas drew closer. Reginald has been funding the initiative out of his pocket, but also receives help from his partner Calvin and his family and friends.
Reginald says: “This year, I want to do the same because the children are already so excited. I will be starting with my decorations today [Monday] and will turn on the lights on Sunday. From the 15th [December] I will hand out cookies and milk until the 23rd.”
Reginald, however, does need a bit of help. People can contact him on 074 354 0924.