A 20-year-old woman from Belhar has been hospitalised after she was flung out of a moving taxi.
The incident happened on Sunday afternoon, when the young woman was thrown out of the van by the gaatjie because she allegedly did not pay her taxi fare.
But according to a source, the woman was switched from one taxi to another, and had already paid her fare on the first taxi.
Ismael Arnold, spokesperson for the Belhar Community Police Forum, says the incident happened just before 3pm along Erica Drive.
“She sustained a head injury, both her hands were bruised and her one knee and elbow was injured by the impact of the fall,” Arnold says.
“We are unsure at this point if a police case has been opened.”
Pictures of the bruised and battered woman were circulating on social media and chat groups, where blood is seen dripping from her face, her denim jacket and pants and her blood is also seen splattered on the pavement.
When the Daily Voice reached out to the woman, her family said she was very traumatised and did not want to speak yet.
According to a reliable source, the woman is in hospital and received stitches to her head.
“I believe she came from Ravensmead and took a Parow/Delft taxi home because she lives in Belhar,” says the source.
“She was accompanied by two friends and the taxi they got into put them over in another taxi but they already paid in the first taxi and the second taxi expected them to pay again.
“The other two got out as normal but when it was her turn to get out, that was when the gaatjie threw her out.
“She is fine, X-rays were taken but she is still in hospital.
“They are awaiting feedback from the doctor for when she can be discharged.
“I told her to open a police case and not withdraw it because it is attempted murder.
“Her head could’ve hit the curb and she could have died,” adds the source.
Gershon Geyer, spokesperson for the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) said they have reached out to the woman and she has agreed to identify the gaatjie.
“This incident has been reported to the local taxi association which is Delft Belhar Parow Taxi Association.
“We contacted the secretary, they visited the lady this morning (Monday) and they are busy investigating the incident.”
“The lady will apparently (on Tuesday) visit the offices to come and identify the driver and the taxi guard that was involved.
“I will wait for a report back from the association in due time.”