Philippi police are investigating a shooting in Silica Walk, Newfields, after the innocent son of a neighbourhood watch member was shot and later died at Groote Schuur Hospital.
Police spokesperson Sergeant Wesley Twigg says the victim was reportedly busy with scrap metal last Tuesday night when a VW Polo stopped next to him and the occupants opened fire on him.
Twigg says: “The motive for the attack is yet to be established, and the suspects fled the scene and are yet to be arrested.”
According to members of the Newfields neighbourhood watch and neighbours, Taswell “Ta Blou” Claasen, 35, used drugs, but was not a gangster. Claasen was busy kapping a piece of iron on a field when he was shot, an eyewitness says.
The eyewitness says: “I was standing by my window when I saw a silver Polo stop. Usually when they are busy with scrap, the police stop and talk to them, so I thought it was the police. Three people got out and they went to him and I just heard gunshots.”
Claasen’s mother Bahia Jongie, 60, blames the Inglorius Bastards gang (IGBs) for her son’s murder.
Jongie says: “They shot a Ghetto Kid on Tuesday and they all ran back to Silica Walk. They fled because they knew the enemy was coming for them, they do it every time.
“I was in my room when I heard the gunshots. We heard them say they shot Ta Blou. When we got to the scene he was lying on his stomach with his backpack. He kept saying ‘sorry mammie, ek is baie lief vir mammie’.”
Jongie says her son was shot 12 times in the upper body. The family is looking for Claasen’s father, Simon Paulus. They can be reached on 067 211 1862.