The beloved ouma from Bellville South, who was raped and murdered allegedly by her caregiver’s son, was laid to rest yesterday as the accused returned to court.
Following the suspect’s first appearance last Tuesday, Cynthia Doubell’s family was informed that a rape charge had been added after the post-mortem report confirmed she was raped and sodomised.
Outside Bellville Magistrates’ Court, angry gender rights activists called for justice for the 93-year-old ouma, who was brutally killed on 1 August.
Suspect Keegan Samuals, 25, was busted by Bellville South SAPS shortly after the ouma’s body was found in her home.
The incident left residents reeling in shock when cops were called to the Dammert Street home where it was found that Cynthia had been beaten and strangled to death.
Family spokesperson and gender rights activist Caroline Peters says when they arrived at court yesterday, they were informed that there had been a Covid-19 case at the court and thus the matter was postponed.
“The family was not present as they were attending her funeral today,” said Peters.
“We went to show our support for the family and to show the courts that we are angry, shocked and just plain gatvol of these types of crimes.
“When we arrived, they said there was a positive Covid case and the court had to be shut and the matter postponed.”
‘DENY HIS BAIL BID’: Gender rights activists outside Bellville Court. Video: Monique Duval
It is believed that Samuals, who lived in her home, attacked the frail old lady in a drunken rage.
“What has saddened the family is that he lived in her home.”
“Ouma Cynthia was well cared for by her family who paid [the suspect’s] mother to be her caregiver.
“The family had on many occasions asked the ouma to move in with them but being the woman she was, she knew if she moved, Samuals and his family would not receive the funds and she was looking out for them.
“She didn’t want them to be homeless.”
Peters says the community is angry: “This was a 93-year-old woman. She was small in stature and frail and completely defenceless against the strength of a young man in his 20s.
“We have seen far too many of these murders and we are calling on the courts to deny his bail.”
The case was postponed to 19 August for a bail hearing.