"Pose" star Indya Moore landed in hot water when they vented on Twitter about a white person referring to them as coloured on Saturday.
Moore, who happened to be visiting Cape Town, took their Twitter page saying, "yt(white) people call light skin black people colored in CT. triggered".
South Africans didn't take their comment well and very gently went into their mentions to explain that the term "coloured" in Mzansi isn't the same as "colored" which is a racial slur for African Americans.
You know, sis... We love you deeply. With that said, please reach out to those of us doing the work every day to pick this apart and understand that it means something different here. Ask the right questions first, please. https://t.co/QI6RFHkpEt
— Jamil F. Khan (@JamilFarouk) December 7, 2019
Indya sweetie, what are you doing??? No man sies, voetjek!
People consistently deny and erase the validity of your identity and what do you do?? Come to ANOTHER COUNTRY and try tell a whole group of people that their identity is invalid because America told you so? I need you to make it make sense babes. https://t.co/XT7O6wd1Mx
— SANKOFA (@sankofaspace) December 7, 2019
americans trying to pick apart and invalidate the south african coloured identity just bc they don’t understand it will forever be embarrassing to me. especially bc it could all be cured with some quick research. they really live in their own little bubbles.
— fruit privilege (@daddyycon) December 7, 2019
You were called coloured cuz you fit the stereotype of how coloured people in SA look/are represented. That isn’t about YOU. Your “Normal” isn’t our frame of reference just because you’re American/came here to vacation without doing a single google. Educate yourself or shut up https://t.co/rcjtuNK2dn
🥴🥴🥴 there’s no point in trying to reason with them if this is their stance wow. pic.twitter.com/AVTalWer0w
— ethnic tiddybress (@baddiexkayleigh) December 7, 2019
This is so infuriating. I'm disappointed in Indya. They really just came at this from a point of ignorance instead of reading up on the nuances of race withing the country.
— Theo (@thelionmutters) December 7, 2019
And this is the problem with Black Americans coming from a point of ignorance and entitlement. https://t.co/tDxLhQSgDD
However, they initially ignored "Coloured Twitter" trying to educate them regarding the matter which only further fueled the flame.
Look I can understand why a Black American who is unfamiliar with our race dynamics would feel triggered at being called Coloured by a white person. I truly do. But what I can’t stand is digging in your heels and dismissing people who are trying to educate you
— Ann Marie Lastrassi stan (@naledimashishi) December 7, 2019
After much debate in their mentions, Moore deleted the initial tweet and issued an apology for their comments, but also blocked several users following the backlash and then deleted their apology.
They blocked me cuz I pointed out that there are dark skinned coloured folk and light skinned black people. They are in Cape town for a minute and assume they know all about the coloured community .... 🙄
— Ms VPNL (@madamecalypso) December 8, 2019
undefinedundefinedIt's coz I said They must go home ne?
— Protect Black Trans Women ✊🏾 (@KelEldine) December 8, 2019
Ek worry ok mos nie pic.twitter.com/CQEyAkluL7
* Indya Moore's pronouns are they/them