- Get ready to laugh your socks off at the Cape Town Comedy Club tonight for A Night Of Headliners, with Laura Hayden (US), KG Mokgadi and Glen Biderman-Pam, with Kurt Schoonraad as the MC. Tickets are R190 (includes a free Savanna on arrival) from Computicket. Show time is at 8.30pm and dinner is from 6pm.
- Friday at Club 7764 it’s Feel Good Fridays with Eezy E and IV Beats for Battle of the Sexes Part 2. Entry is R30 and doors open at 9pm.
- On Friday, at The Address it’s Address Fridays with Garth B, Faya, Shane Langdon and Shai-A and Fizz. Ladies enter free until 11pm and R50 after. Doors open at 9pm.
- Saturday at The Address it’s Club Nights with Brenton Stoffberg, Ashton Parenzee, Shane Langdon and Garth B. Entry is R60 and doors open at 9pm.
- Friday at Zer021 Social Club it’s Maxine Wild - A Wild Journey Through Music from 9.30pm until 11.30pm. There will be an afterparty with DJ Namba. Entry is R20 before midnight and R30 thereafter. There will be a Hookah Pipe Special (six free shooters included).
- On Saturday night at Bertas in Woodstock, Vida Fantabisher will perform a Stella drag musical feast from 8pm to 11pm. Entry is free and Cocktail Happy Hour is from 6pm-8pm. DJ Mama B will be on the decks.
- Friday at The Blue Whistle in Claremont the band Signature SA, featuring lead singer Craig Jordaan, will be performing a host of live music from 9pm till late. There will be lekker food and drinks on sale to accompany the jams.
- On Saturday afternoon from 2pm at Las Vegas Lounge, it’s Langarm and live band Brother to Brother on stage. Entry is free. Saturday night the dance floor warms up with DJs Alan and Taariq.