Aries - March 21 - April 20
If there's an issue with your partner that needs airing, this is a good time to do it, Aries. Don't hold back. Don't sacrifice your peace of mind just to keep from rocking the boat. Just be easy.
Taurus - April 21 - May 20
The intensity of the day may bring unexpected opposition, Taurus. Whether it's verbalised or not, the confrontations are quite real. Don't underestimate a loved one's emotions.
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
Don't let another day go by without saying you love them. Life is short and getting shorter with each passing day. Be confrontational about a serious issue that needs addressing.
Cancer - June 22 - July 22
Any emotional stress you feel will be compounded if it isn't dealt with right away. Be in the moment while the moment is here. The more you face the present, the less you will regret in the future.
Leo - July 23 - August 22
Playing games will get you nowhere. True strength is standing up and demonstrating that you can say what you feel in any situation, especially regarding a close loved one.
Virgo - August 23 - September 22
Stop trying to feel everyone else's emotions and focus on yours, Virgo. Being empathetic is certainly laudable, but at some point you need to face the music and look in the mirror.
Libra - September 23 - October 22
It may seem like neither side of the bed is the right side to wake up on. The only solution may be is to just go back to dreamland if you can. If you can't, focus on your heart and take it easy.
Scorpio - October 23 - November 21
You may feel like you're being double-crossed by a loved one today, Scorpio. Maybe your words are being used against you in such a way that makes you look like the bad guy.
Sagittarius - November 22 - December 20
You may say one thing one minute and the opposite the next, Sagittarius. Most of the time you jump from one issue to the next with no hassle, but today people probably will call you on it.
Capricorn - December 21 - January 19
The tension in the air might be what you need in order to become more aware of subconscious issues that affect your behaviour, Capricorn. There's a great deal that you need to get off your chest.
Aquarius - January 20 - February 18
You may let someone continue a dangerous addictive behaviour simply because you want to avoid a confrontation. Realise that this behaviour is doing neither of you any good.
Pisces - February 19 - March 20
You may have some issues with food, Pisces. Maybe your sense of self-worth isn't at its highest, and you're trying to make up for this by sabotaging your relationship with your body.