Controversial reverend Oscar Bougardt has been reported to the SA Human Rights Commission again for saying homosexuality is an “abomination to God”.
LGBTQ+ activist Clive Jacobs piemped Bougardt to the SAHRC following the comments he made in the Daily Voice’s Rek Jou Bek column.
The activist decided to take action after Bougardt also called out the LGBTQ+ community for “wanting to force their ideologies down people’s throats”.
Speaking to the Voice, Jacobs said Bougardt’s comments made him angry.
“My God rejects condemnation. He never judges, so who are you and why do you judge and condemn us for all the years?” Jacobs wanted to know.
“You have nothing good to say about homosexuality and the greater LGBTQ+ communities.
“I think you must take me on a date in order to get to know us better, also you need to make sure you get a passport to heaven.”
He added: “Why don’t you target the gangsters out there?
“Where gangsters rule, go condemn them, go up to them and point fingers so that they can kick your ass.
“I pray for you, reverend Oscar Bougardt. Human rights courts are waiting on you.”
Bougardt could be in contempt of a high court order regarding an earlier case in 2014 where he was found guilty of discrimination.
He was ordered to refrain from publishing statements that are discriminatory or incite hatred or harm on the grounds of sexual orientation.
At the time of the offence, he said on Facebook that homosexuality was a “curse”, and that gays were “perverts”.
SAHRC commissioner Chris Nissen on Sunday confirmed that they had received a complaint from Jacobs.
“We will be looking to see if he [Bougardt] is in contempt of court, but either way, we are living in a democratic society, where people can choose who and what they want to be.
“He is not God and nobody can condemn anybody. The LGBTQ+ community is our family.”
But an unapologetic Bougardt yesterday told the Voice that Jacobs “could do whatever he pleased”.
“I stand by what I said; homosexuality is an abomination, and yes they are trying to brainwash our children with their filth and with their ideologies and propaganda.
“I don’t care what he does, he can go to the Human Rights Commission and take me back to court,” he said.
“That is what I said and that is what they are doing.”