By Mahira Duval
ALLEGATIONS by Nafiz Modack co-accused Amaal Jantjies that alleged Sexy Boys gang boss Jerome "Donkie" Booysen is a police informant has surfaced at the Western Cape High Court.
The bombshell was revealed yesterday as alleged underworld kingpin Nafiz Modack returned to the stand amid the ongoing murder trial of slain Anti-Gang Unit (AGU) detective Lieutenant-Colonel Charl Kinnear.
The claims by Jantjies raised several questions from Judge Robert Henney as Modack was made to answer on charges relating to the alleged corruption of former AGU officer, Ashley Tabisher.
Amaal along with her former berk, Janick Adonis are accused of the State of conspiring with Modack to attack the Kinnear family and infiltrate the elite police unit to obtain information about planned raids on his home.
During the cross-examination yesterday, State prosecutor Advocate Greg Wolmarans highlighted conversations between Amaal and Modack where she alleged to have met with three individuals who could provide Modack with information in exchange for a fee.
In the text messages Amaal claimed to have met with the three men who agreed to be Modack's "ears" but wanted to make sure their names would stay out of the newspapers.
She claimed that after the meeting, she was called by one of the men who told her that Booysen was an informant for the police - specifically for former AGU boss Major-General Andre Lincoln and Captain Althea Jaftha.
In a voice note, she says: "Ek het die geld vir hulle gegee, vir hulle drie... En hulle het geconfirm dat hulle vir my alle info gaan gee en al die info gee wat wie vir hulle gee van, van Mr M[odack].
"Hulle gaan al drie hulle ore vir jou op al die squads wat hulle het, Jaftha se squad en alles daai. Uhm, en dan het hy ook vir my gesê oor die phone, wat ek hom nou gisteraand bel, wat hy my bel, toe sê hy ook vir my Mr Booysen is ‘n, uhm, ‘n informer vir Jaftha en vir Lincoln". (sic)
Asked by Modack to clarify which Booysen, she sent a text saying: "Donkie".
The text messages also reveal that Modack instructed Amaal to ask her informants what their bosses were doing but this came under scrutiny by Henney who questioned why, if he believed they were just private investigators, would Modack name Kinnear as their 'boss'.
The trial continues.