The New Identity Drama Group wants to spread positive vibes to the golden oldies of the Kilimanjaro Seniors Club by giving them a free concert.
Organiser and director Zakariyah Toerien says the upcoming show is the perfect opportunity for the group to showcase their talent while also give back by entertaining the seniors from Tafelsig.
“It’s our way of educating our people through telling our story and leaving a thought of positivity in the minds of the parents,” Toerien says.
“We need to look after the elderly people because somehow they paved the way for us, we benefited through the sacrifices our parents made.”
He adds: “Trane van ‘n Moeder is based on three families living on the Cape Flats and experiencing daily socio-economic challenges.
“A lot of them will be able to relate or know someone who is going through the same type of situation, which we will do in the production.”
Cast member Ashley Kamfer adds: “Just to show them what is happening in our community is an honour as the show has a bit of everything from laughter and drama.”
The show will take place at the Kilimanjaro Civic Centre on November 12 and will start at 3pm.
A thrilled Beatrice Leng tells the Daily Voice that the ou mense are looking forward to the performance.
“We are excited about the show as it will help our people to educate their sons to stay away from wrong stuff in the community,” she adds.