Tune in for the #ComedyOClockSA show on Friday night at 7pm where the first Cape Town Live show will take place at Southern Sun Cape Sun Hotel, with comics Pius Xulu, Shimmy Isaacs, Siya Seya, Mira Hewana, Kolping Mbumba and Mmangaliso Mhlongo as well as Unkle Thobz and Dj RudyRoxx. Tickets at Quicket R150, or R200 at the door.
Boeta Maan, founder of Kinders Van Die Ses, will host Waa’sit Lekker on Saturday, with Emo Admas, Fagrie Isaacs, Rotas The Rapper, Lauren Adams, Jolene Jacobs and Take Note.
Tickets are R150 and R75 for kids under 12. Available at the door. Show starts at 8pm.