It seems that Skeem Saam(SABC1 at 6.30pm) sometimes take their name really literally. Kyk maar net vir Alfred, this guy mos has a lekker scheme going on.
But tonight things get a bit tense as Sthoko is a bit die moer in for Alfred because he is involving Clement.
There seems to be just as much scheming going in Generations: The Legacy(SABC1 at 8pm). Just think about Tshidi and the mal plan she started hatching last week that involves organising a kidnapping.
You meisie, you are back only a few weeks and already you are stirring. But tonight she is in for a skrik when she receives an untimely phonecall.
Uzalo(SABC1 at 8.30pm) was nogal ‘n rollercoaster so far this week, with a double episode wedding special. As we expected, Sibonelo and Nonka’s wedding was not without bombshells being dropped.
Tonight, Nonka returns to her family... but they send her back where she came from. Shame, it’s going to get worse for her later this week.
And what can one say about Fikile’s dinge? This girl is mos really jas! All she wants is for Sbu to put a bun in her oven, but Sbu is not kwaai with her wanting to 0 the whole time.