Take a deep breath and beat the Monday Madness with some of your favourite local soapies.
André is really struggling to get used to his sudden new living situation while Alexa and Fikani have different opinions about a certain patient’s recovery time. Catch the drama of 7de Laan, on SABC2 at 6pm tonight.
Speaking of drama, in Skeem Saam(6.30pm on SABC1) Tumishang’s human rights are being violated and he decides genoeg is genoeg and it’s time to take action.
Alfred’s plan backfires completely while Phomolo learns a few horrific things about a certain lady who is in his nephew’s life.
In Isidingo(7pm on SABC3) Nina gets a second chance, but then she does something so shocking almal rek hulle bekke.
Aai tog, it’s only been one night and Palesa already regrets moving in! Can you believe it?
A pastor makes Ayanda’s blood run cold while Fikile better hopes she skriks vir niks when a jol goes wrong, all this and more in Generations: The Need, 8pm on SABC1.
While in Muvhango(9pm on SABC2) the Mukwevhos finally accept Gizara’s daughter as one of their own.