Police spokesperson, Captain FC Van Wyk, said members from the Harare and Khayelitsha police stations worked together to track down the suspects who earlier in the day had attempted to rob residents in Site C, Khayelitsha.
Van Wyk said police on vehicle patrol noticed suspicious looking people at around 11am on Thursday, including one who appeared to be carrying “something that looked like a shotgun”.
Van Wyk said: “When they noticed the police vehicle they climbed onto a Isuzu LDV. A vehicle chase ensued and the suspects stop and abandon the vehicle. Members managed to apprehend three of the five suspects and no firearm was recovered.”
He added that information was gathered which revealed that the suspects had attempted to rob residents in Site C earlier.
The three suspects, aged, 20, 21 and 22, from Mandela Park were arrested by Khayelitsha Saps for attempted robbery.
“On the same day during the evening at approximately 6pm, Harare detectives took to task the three suspects who were initially arrested by Khayelitsha SAPS members. They led the members to 20 Block Mandela Park, Khayelitsha where they recovered three firearms, including a total of 13 live ammunition.
“The firearms recovered are as follows: a 9mm pistol with nine rounds, a Starlet pistol with two rounds and a riffle with two rounds with serial numbers filed off.”
Two suspects, aged 30 and 33, were arrested for possession of illegal firearms and ammunition. All five suspects are expected to appear in Khayelitsha Magistrate’s Court.