Community workers have made a desperate plea for help after over 100 mense living in the Egoli Informal Settlement were left homeless over the weekend.
This follows a devastating fire which swept through the settlement in Philippi on Saturday morning.
Community workers Beryl Williams and Keith Blake said they heard about the blaze and went on a drive to collect donations, but on arrival the horrific sight of young children sleeping on the cold ground broke their hearts.
Williams says: ‘Keith told me about it as he had sent donations to a woman affected and I reached out to Pick n Pay in Constantia for assistance.
"They responded immediately and, on Monday, we made arrangements to visit the community.
"But what we saw was very emotional. When we arrived we found young children sleeping on the cold ground where their homes used to be.
"The children were so scared they won't get their piece of ground again so they sleep on the cold, burnt soil to secure their spot as they desperately wait for building materials."
Williams added that residents explained they suspected that a candle had fallen over in the middle of the night.
She says: "The wind was also very strong and the fire spread quickly across the area. The community was so traumatised and the poor children are crying just to be able to go to school again."
Fire and Rescue Services spokesperson Jermaine Carelse reports firefighters received the call for help at 5.30am.
He adds: "The first arriving crew from Ottery was confronted by numerous informal structures alight.
"We had in excess of 10 firefighting resources on scene from various Fire Stations – Lakeside, Ottery, Mitchells Plain, Wynberg, Roeland Street, etc.
"The fire damaged 43 structures and displaced 108 persons. No community members were injured. However, the Officer in Charge of the Ottery crew was assaulted – she was hit with a blunt object on her back, but she continued working despite the discomfort. The cause has not been identified as yet.}
Meanwhile, Williams says they are continuing to collect donations.
If you would like to assist call her on 082 732 6926