Parents in the Western Cape are fuming as the status of school applications were released on Monday.
The Western Cape Education Department opened online applications on March 13 and parents had to wait until May 29 for their answers.
While there are some parents who are over the moon that their laaities were accepted at the schools of their choice, many others have taken to social media demanding answers from the WCED after their applications were denied at the skole they applied to.
Chrislynn Sias said that she applied at four different schools for her son but he wasn’t placed anywhere.
A kwaad Sias said the WCED mense should check themselves as their system is clearly flawed.
“I would understand if an application is unsuccessful at one or two schools but four? Absolutely ridiculous.
“I guarantee you, if you know someone on the SGB of a school, your application would’ve been accepted lag-lag,” she adds.
Another mom claimed that she applied for her daughter at six of the nearest schools in their metro, but all declined as the schools are apparently full.
“At every one of the schools it shows ‘oversubscribed’, I feel our kids are being discriminated against.”
Reinhart Warely said his son, who should begin Grade R next year, did not receive a single offer.
“We applied on time, we submitted all documents and waited patiently only to receive ‘unsuccessful – school oversubscribed’ statuses on every one of his applications.
“Now the WCED is telling us to call around and put my child’s name on a waiting list?
“They seriously need to do something regarding their system, how can you double book a child at three schools? Schools shouldn’t be allowed to accept a learner if he or she has already been accepted at more than two other schools or is from another area.”
Education MEC David Maynier appealed to parents to bear in mind that places will eventually open up as ouers accept offers.
“We know that this is extremely stressful and disappointing, but we are still very early in the admissions process.”
Maynier also urged parents to confirm their choice of school as soon as possible, by latest of June 19, to make room for those on the waiting list.
“After this date, their highest-ranked choice of school will be automatically confirmed,” he said.
“Confirmation is especially important when a learner has received offers from multiple schools.
“Once these ‘double parked’ learners are confirmed to a specific school, the places at the other schools can be offered to other learners.
“Once the choice of school is confirmed, parents are required to drop off the hard copy documents from their application to their school of choice within seven days of acceptance.”