The first Kids and Youth Kung Fu Championships are coming to Cape Town next month.
The competition is hosted by six-time gold medalist and kung fu world champion Muhammad Junaid Chafeker, aka MJ Li, through his own MJ Li Kung Fu Foundation.
Chafeker is excited about the competition and said joining the tournament will be two Kung Fu grandmasters from the US and China.
Children between the ages of 10 and 19 will participate.
“They will be participating in approximately three divisions for each age category. Over the years I have gone to train in China, but at the back of my mind I always thought about our African youth and the dynamics and challenges they face.
“I want this to be a success because it should become a flagship tournament,” he said.
“Countries like Mexico, Hong Kong, and the US have asked me if they are allowed to send teams to South Africa if we host again next year.”
Countries participating are South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique, Mauritius and Tanzania.
Boys and girls will be participating in Chinese kickboxing, masters demos, taolu, group events and seminars.
Chafeker added: “I want to encourage everyone to come out and support, encourage and motivate our youngsters.”
The tournament will be on March 4 and 5 at the Filia multipurpose hall in Goodwood. Tickets vailable at R50 for under 13s, R75 for teens and pensioners and R100 for adults. Tickets for both days get a discount.
Contact 076 989 6979/ 081 711 1211.