Waltzing out all negativity one step at a time, the kids from Melvin’s Dance Studio in Bonteheuwel are dancing their way to success.
Despite the gang wars in the crime and poverty-stricken community, Melvin Wiener faithfully teaches his 43 students four days a week at the Janet Bourhill Institute.
Melvin started with a group of 35 kids two years ago and also teaches adults.
“I started dancing when I was a youngster many years ago. I turned professional in 1982 with many successes after that - winning many major competitions all over the country.
“I teach from Monday to Thursday and every alternative Saturday.
“We have a lot of less fortunate children and parents who are struggling to keep them in the dance school.
“We have been looking for sponsors for a number of years now, but to no avail,” he says.
Single mom of two, Lauren Allies, 30, from Bishop Lavis, let her son Reece, 1, join.
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“Reece joined Melvin’s Dance Studio in February this year, every competition he entered, he came in the top three.
“The last big competition was the World Trials in June 2019, held in Oudtshoorn, where he won first place in ballroom for the Waltz and Quickstep and second place in Latin for ChaCha and Jive,” says the proud mom.
The group’s next competition is in Beaufort West, and in December, they will be heading to Durban for the South African Championship.
Each child needs R16 000, covering the dance fee, accommodation, flights, transport and attire.
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If you would like to help or join the dance studio, please call 076 136 6294.