This is it, people.
The lockdown is upon us.
It’s not a joke. It’s not a holiday. Please take it seriously.
The threat of the Coronavirus is real.
The deadly bug has swept the globe, killing thousands in China and Europe - first world countries with world-class health systems.
Over 1000 infections in South Africa in just two weeks means death is now at our door. And we need to keep it shut.
Make no mistake, President Cyril Ramaphosa has done the right thing.
All the measures put in place and hygiene tips are spot-on.
Government is acutely aware of the fact that there is no way our hospitals can cope with a full-blown outbreak.
Hell, we don’t even have enough medical staff and resources to serve patients’ needs on a normal day.
Without this drastic action, South Africa could face a catastrophe of biblical proportions.
The only criticism may be that the restrictions came too late.
Be that as it may, the 21 days start today.
DEADLY BUG: Tygerberg Hospital staff
The aim is to keep the virus from spreading, and to give those infected time to recover.
Life is going to be very weird for the next three weeks, like a Hollywood apocalypse movie, with police and the army locking down the streets.
Please people, be patient and adhere to the rules.
It’s for your own good, the good of your family, community, city and country.
Police Minister Bheki Cele has warned anyone found breaking the rules of lockdown will be guilty of a criminal offence and liable to a fine or imprisonment for up to six months, or both.
Here is a list of what you may and may not do for the next 21 days:
* You will be allowed to collect social grants.
* You will be allowed to buy food.
* You will be allowed to seek medical help.
* You will be able to visit the pharmacy.
* A gathering of 50 people will be allowed at a funeral.
* You will be allowed to access public transportation for essential services during specific times.
Picture: Gerd Altmann/ Pixabay
* You will not be allowed to go jogging in public.
* You will not be allowed to walk your dog in public.
* You will not be able to buy cigarettes or alcohol.
* All gatherings on public roads, buildings, places and premises are prohibited.
* Movement between provinces is prohibited.
Off Limits:
* Public Parks, flea markets, public swimming pools, beaches, nightclubs, casinos, guesthouses, hotels, private and public game reserves, holiday resorts, shopping malls (excluding grocery store and pharmacies at the malls), cinemas, bars, shebeens.
* Any place normally open to the public where religious, cultural, sporting, entertainment, recreational, organisational or similar activities may take place.
There you go.
Stay home, stay safe, stay positive.