The annual Liberty Promenade Next Generation talent showcase took place this past weekend with Spine Road High, West End Primary and Lentegeur School for Learners with Special Education needs (LSEN) receiving top honours.
Each school won a cool R20 000. The runners-up, who bagged R10k each, were Portland High and Jamaica Way Primary. A packed food court at the Liberty Promenade Mall saw the rise of talented singers, rappers, poets, dancers and more.
It was my second time at this annual competition and I was blown away by the sheer amount of talent in the Plain. This time learners were tasked to shine a light on mental health awareness, through entertainment.
They had many of us on the edge of our seats, as some of these learners delivered the stories of their reality, showing that their current negative circumstance do not determine their future.
The kids had to portray what mental health awareness meant to them and how it impacts their community. In some of these performances, tears flowed, from the learners as well as audience members.
Not only did these pupils shine, but they also offered support by sharing valuable contact details for helplines, making it easier for those in need to seek help. The sad thing for me was, some kids were not afraid to say how they lived with this situation and how they had to fight it daily.
For the last 12 years, the Liberty Promenade Next Generation talent showcase has brought real change to the people, learners and schools of Mitchells Plain. This mall doesn’t fail when it comes to benefiting their community and this is why it is such a busy mall. You can’t walk through it without seeing someone you know.
On the day of the event, the mall made the decision to increase the winning schools’ cash prizes from R60 000 to R80 000, in recognition of the quality of the performances.
This competition was open to all schools in Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha, and the participating schools were Beacon School for LSEN, Caradale Primary, Cascade Primary, Highlands Primary, Imperial Primary, Intshayelelo Primary, Jamaica Way Primary, Lentegeur Secondary, Lentegeur School for LSEN, Montagu Drive Primary, Portland High, Rocklands Secondary, Summerdale High, Spine Road High, Wavecrest Primary, West End Primary and Woodville Primary.
The winning schools can use their prize money to upgrade their facilities or purchase educational resources. Spot prizes were awarded to learners and teachers who displayed creativity and initiative.
As I watched these learners do what they love, I could see future TV stars, award-winning actors, and talented rappers being born.
When children bring a story to hundreds of people, telling you how mental health isn’t given the attention it needs just because they live on the Cape Flats, it hits you in a different way.
I have adjudicated many competitions and have never seen raw talent quite like this.
To quote one young rapper, “Don’t turn to the merchant or the gang leader, rather speak your truth to your teacher, and if he or she can’t hear your cry, speak to God again and again”.
I sat in tears as this story unfolded on stage. Singer Anslin Gysman hosted the competition and the audience loved him.
He couldn’t hold back the tears either, saying: “It was my first time being a part of this event and it was heartwarming to witness how our kids could portray a theme such as mental health with such creativity and conviction.
“It made me realise that we are ready to address the elephant in the room as a people. I’m so excited for the future of our children.”
Brenda Bibby, general manager of Liberty Promenade Mall, said the kids delivered beyond their expectations.
“Just when you thought the learners couldn’t top their incredible performances from last year, they astounded us once again with their creativity, passion, energy and sheer talent.
“Equally impressive was their depth and understanding of the gravity of mental health issues among youth and their understanding of how important peer support is.
“A huge congratulations to all of the learners, teachers, families and their supporting networks that contributed to such a remarkable Next Generation Showcase 2023,” she added.