A Mitchells Plain oupa was shot in the back while fleeing from the army on Friday night.
The 68-year-old man was left bruised and traumatised when a rubber bullet hit him.
The Eastridge grandfather of six says he went to buy entjies after 9pm at the winkel nearby when a group of people rushed past him.
In a panic, he also ran for cover as a team of soldiers and cops armed with guns and sjamboks approached.
“The tuckshop in my street was closed so I took a quick walk around the block to a bigger shop, which was the only one open,” he explains.
“The president said we are allowed to go to the spaza shops for essentials, so I took the initiative to go, but then the shop was closed and I walked a further.
“When I came outside the shop, I saw people running and in a panic. I also ran and then I felt this burning sensation on my lower back, but I kept running until I got inside my house, that’s when I realised I’d been shot.”
BRUISE: Injury on back
The oupa says he doesn’t know where to make case.
“I’m afraid to even make a case.
“I think these defence people should have mercy on us and treat people with dignity.”
“From now on, I’d rather stay inside, I don’t want to experience such terrible pain again.”