Two innocent fathers from Hanover Park were wounded on Sunday night when they got caught in the crossfire of rival gangs in Howick Court.
Clinton Gribble, 46, says he is lucky to be alive but is kwaad with skollies who opened fire on him and his friends for no reason.
He says shortly after 9pm he was walking home with three friends when shots suddenly rang out in Howick Court.
“It was four of us together. The other guy, Shaheed, that was shot in the eye, is still in hospital. He was also walking with us.
“It was past nine en ons het net huistoe gestap toe begin hulle vir mekaar skiet oor die court.”
Clinton Gribble was shot in the thigh. Picture: Monique
Gribble says they fell to the ground and he got a skrik to see blood coming from his thigh.
“I was hit, it was all very deurmekaar and I went home. The aunties helped me get to Heideveld Day Hospital, but they said I was okay. The bullet went right through. I am angry with the gangsters, I am mos not involved in these things.”
Police spokesperson Siyabulela Malo confirms the incident and says Philippi police have opened an attempted murder investigation with no arrests so far.
Howick Court, Hanover Park. Picture: Monique Duval
The Daily Voice visited the home of the second wounded man, but no one was in. According to neighbours, the family was at hospital.
Last week three mothers, including community worker Mary Bruce, were wounded during gang shootings in Donegal and Derwent courts.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stop on 08600 10111.