A mother of five, who sold gold slits for dentures, has been shot three times in the head in front of her daughter in Uitsig.
Her shocked family says Glenda Ruiters, 58, was their rock and a God-fearing church woman and they have no idea why someone would want to kill her.
The family has asked not to be identified as several people saw the killers.
On Sunday about 6.50pm while Glenda and her 30-year-old daughter were preparing her grandchild’s school clothing for the next day, they heard a knock on their front door.
The family lives in a Wendy house in Erica Road, Uitsig.
The daughter says she was getting her children’s bath ready while her mother played a game on a cellphone.
The severely distraught woman explains how she came face to face with her mother’s killer.
DISTRAUGHT: Glenda’s mom consoling her grandchild. Photo: Tracey Adams/African News Agency/ANA
“There was a knock on the door, my mother got up and walked to the gate, and when my mother shouted the killer’s name, the person replied, ‘jy, jou ma se ****’.
“He saw her and then he shot my mother three times. Hy het my ma in die kop geskiet, aan een.”
Breaking down in tears, she says: “Antie, daai was my ma, my ma was bekeer, my ma is by die Here, Antie. I don’t want to close my eyes because then I see how my mother falls in front of me.”
Family doesn't know why she was killed. Photo: Tracey Adams/African News Agency/ANA
Another relative says two children were playing outside when they saw the two men walking into the yard, but they thought they were customers coming to purchase gold slits for their tanne.
Glenda’s 79-year-old mother identified her body on Monday morning at Tygerberg mortuary, and says this is the second child she has lost in a tragic way, after her eldest child burnt to death 20 years ago.
The family also disputed rumours that Glenda had been killed because she was a State witness in a court case.
The daughter says hours before her death, the killer walked past their home, making eye contact with her mother, “giving her a vuil kyk”.
“The morning they walked past and my mother greeted the one and (the killer) gave her a lelike kyk. My mother went inside and said ‘Here, ek trek die bloed van Jesus oor my’.
Video: Tracey Adams/ANA
“We do not know why she was killed. Sy was net ’n kerkvrou. My mother wasn’t a gangster, she prayed for everyone,” she says before breaking down again.
Police spokesperson, Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana, says the suspects are still at large.
“Circumstances surrounding this incident are under investigation with no arrests,” she says.