A Cape Town man is busy creating an app that will educate boys about testicular cancer.
Torsten Koehler, 57, says the purpose of the app is so that children can learn to detect cancer early and improve the survival rate if diagnosed.
“Changing the behaviour of young people by teaching them to look after their health will lead to a healthier next generation who will uplift their communities,” he explains.
“The app will be for free where young people can register and once a month they will get a notification to say if they have checked their nuts, as well as educating them of different cancers in the body.”
Koehler, a former teacher who was diagnosed with cancer in 1995, says he was inspired by a student who was also diagnosed with the disease.
“A former student said to me because you made us aware I went to the doctor in time. I’ve got testicular cancer too. I’m 16, and you saved my life,” he adds.
He then started his non-profit cancer charity “Love Your Nuts” which has been touring schools with their Cancer Smart School Programme, reaching more than 34 700 learners.
“This is why I would like to turn our Cancer Smart School Programme into a gaming application.This will enable us as an organisation to reach even remote areas of the country, where access to medical care and information is often lacking.”
But he needs funds to further develop the app and calls on the public for assistance.
“Funds raised will be used to develop a functional prototype that can help us secure support from larger investors, get legal advice to protect the rights of the children who will be using our app, consult with medical experts to revise the cancer information and keep it up to date,” Koehler adds.