The Thornton Islamic society community fair is back and you don’t want to miss this. From food stalls to entertainment, fun, games and so much more.
The committee is most excited about the 1 250 square metre grounds it was able to get. After years of sacrifice and patience, they can now build a mosque for the area of Thornton and surrounds.
The team is hard at work doing everything they can to assist the progress of the building project.
From “buy-a-brick” which will cost you a small contribution of R10 a brick, to food fairs and so much more.
Gather your friends and family for a day filled with more than festivities, but also something that will benefit a community for generations to come.
Entertainment includes Young Brothers, Phaldie Brown, Western Province Marching Band, Masnoena Trio and more.
The fair will take place at the Sports Club area in Poplar Avenue in Thornton on Sunday from 9am to 6pm.
Contact Hassan on 069 317 7417, Zahied on 083 411 0100 or Rashied on 082 900 4816. Hope to see you there.