A Mitchell’s Plain taxi driver who was filmed attacking a passenger in broad daylight in Athlone is being investigated by Traffic Services after the video went viral.
The video which was shared over the weekend is seemingly captured by a passenger as the driver, Kieron Long, is heard vloeking at a passenger in the front seat.
“Jy kan my f****l maak nie. Jy dink ek is ‘n gen***de hol. Ek maak jou in jou p*** jy,” the driver is heard shouting as the taxi comes to an abrupt stop amid shouts from the passengers.
The 29-year-old driver gets out and grabs the man, hitting him several times as passengers try to defuse the situation.
Speaking to the Daily Voice, Long admits to hitting the passenger, claiming the man was being onbeskof during the trip from Lentegeur to Cape Town CBD.
“What happened was an ambulance came by with sirens on and I sommer drove behind him to cut through the traffic. The ambulance braked suddenly and so did I and that is when they told me I drive k** and so.
“I apologised but this guy just wouldn’t stop. He kept on and on, putting his fingers in my face and called me a n***er and that is why I got gatvol and moered him.
“The video doesn't show what happened before the fight.
”After the fight I apologised and told the gaatjie to pay them back their money and put them both out of my van.“
Moegamat Arendse of the Route 6 Taxi Association says they are aware of the incident.
“The driver has been reprimanded for the incident and it was reported to us. On Tuesday (today) we will be meeting with all the parties for mediation.”
Mayco Member for Safety and Security, JP Smith, confirms the Traffic Services department is investigating the incident: “At this stage we are trying to establish if the passenger has opened a criminal charge against the driver and if so it could affect his operating licence.”