Popular Mitchells Plain musician and community activist D’Louw claims a YouTube video saved his life after staff at the Mitchells Plain Hospital wouldn’t treat him.
According to Deen Louw, 57, he had a severe asthma attack but while battling for breath, nurses and doctors refused him access to a nebuliser machine.
He got sick on Friday but managed to drive himself to the hospital before 7pm.
“I had a terrible asthma attack; upon arriving at the hospital I asked the security if they could please help me with a wheelchair because I could barely breathe or walk and they were not even willing to help me,” he said.
“I made my way slowly to the trauma unit, God was really on my side.
“I asked them if I could please just go onto the machine just so that I can get some air into my lungs, then I can go wherever you want me to go.
“I have never been hospitalised which means I have no folders and I understand that I must open a folder and I did not mind.
“The doctors were standing right there while I was struggling to breathe but they were just carrying on with their conversation. I drew their attention but no-one came to my rescue.”
D’Louw said that he was kwaad and disappointed, and watched a YouTube video on breathing techniques to compose himself, just to be able to leave and make his way home.
“I nearly fell the way I couldn’t breathe, I have never been treated so badly in my entire life.
“The security guards even told me I need to leave the premises because I cannot park my car for too long. The worst is that my 14-year-old son was with me and he couldn’t do anything.”
Monique Johnstone, principal communications officer for Western Province Health, advised D’Louw to request a meeting with hospital management to discuss the incident.
“In general, people requiring emergency care at Mitchells Plain Hospital are triaged and prioritised according to the severity of their condition. They are not required to open a folder before receiving treatment.
“The escort or family member is usually requested to open the folder on behalf of the patient or if the patient is alone, the admin clerk would come to the emergency centre to assist the patient, or the staff member attending to the patient will assist in obtaining all the particulars and will open the folder on the patient’s behalf,” Johnstone stated.
“No one is turned away and receives care as outlined above.”