Cricket voor en cricket agter! SABC3 is basically a no-go zone from 12pm midday today mense - daai’s nou unless you want to catch the cricket!
So if you smaak a proper showdown, don’t miss the South Africa vs Australia ODI, all the way through until 9pm.
If you prefer another kind of entertainment, then is the channel for you.
Start off with some sexy soaps as Nandi gives Khulekani an ultimatum, Puleng wants answers from Madikgetla and Sabelo is forced into a tight spot.
All this and more at 7pm on in Rhythm City.
At 7.30pm in Scandal! Yvonne realises it won’t be that easy to walk away from her new responsibility.
Stay on for Chicago Fire at 8.30pm where Severide has to leave the Intelligence Unit to find Katie, and all Dawson is worried about is passing his physical test.
In Imbewu: The Seed(9.30pm on Khemisi is trying everything to manipulate Phakade into giving him that box.
Do you think Khemisi will go as far as stealing the box? Meanwhile, MaZulu is trying to get Zethu to meet with her. Skelm maniere!