By Mahira Duval
A FIVE-YEAR laaitie from Manenberg who was struck in the head by a gang bullet on Monday has tragically passed away at Red Cross Hospital on Wednesday morning.
The hartseer family of Ameer Abrahams told the Daily Voice after two days of fighting for his live the life support machines were switched off shortly after 11am.
Little Ameer was gunned down while walking to a winkel with his father and sister in Irvine Street shortly before 7pm.
He accompanied his father and eight-month old sister to the shop when the shots rang out.
The little boy ran into a neighbour's yard where he collapsed.
He was subsequently rushed to Red Cross Children's Hospital where doctors removed the bullet on Monday night.
On Tuesday he was declared brain dead as hartseer residents gathered in Irvine Street praying for his recovery.
A 38-year-old relative, who asked not to be named, says: “He was placed on life support and on Wednesday morning they did more scans and it was found that there was no brain activity.
“The machines were switched off and he was placed in his mother’s lap as she said goodbye.
“His father has stayed by his side since he was taken to hospital and just couldn't take it and broke down"
Meanwhile, police have confirmed that three suspects have been arrested.