Police Minister Bheki Cele, who was found guilty of breaching the Ethics Code of Conduct when he screamed at Action Society’s Ian Cameron at a public meeting last year, is apparently in no hurry to say sorry.
Last year, Cele and Cameron were at a meeting between police and residents from the Nyanga and Gugulethu communities to discuss crime and concerns around SAPS deployment.
Cameron had addressed Cele about patrols in the area.
Cele then responded by telling Cameron to shut up.
“I’m not going to take any nonsense of someone who regards me as a garden boy today. Because you regard me as a garden boy. You come here, shut up, shut up, shut up,” Cele shouted at the time.
Cameron then laid a complaint after he was removed from the venue by cops and his clothing torn.
The Ethics Committee’s Bekizwe Nkosi said Cele in his written representation did not specifically address the incident where he shouted shut up.
“However, the video footage taken on the day, which was played in the committee, shows that the member was irate and that he did shout at the complainant,” he said.
Nkosi said the committee found that even if Cele was unhappy with the manner in which the complainant addressed the issue at the imbizo, as a Member of Parliament, he was required to act in a manner that would maintain public confidence and trust in the integrity of Parliament. As a result, the committee found that he breached item read with 4.1.5 of the Code.
But Cameron believes Cele owes the country an apology.
“An honourable person would step out gracefully. But Cele seems too power hungry for that.
“That is why Action Society will continue to demand that he be removed from his position as minister of police.”
Speaking to BizNews on Tuesday, Cameron said Cele is considering an appeal to the finding.
“Minister Cele is now saying that they will review and possibly appeal the recommendation by the Ethics Committee.”