The ouma of the man at the centre of a vicious love triangle has broken her silence on the Anushka and Mishqah saga.
The elderly vrou made a heartfelt statement on TikTok this week using another person’s account, and called on mense to stop making gat of her grandson – only known as Ameer – and blaming him for the behaviour of ‘Backseat Bully’, Anushka Braaf, 23.
Ameer was thrust into the spotlight after his ex, Anushka, had been filmed attacking Mishqah Arend, 25.
In the shocking video, Mishqah is seen sitting on the backseat of Anushka’s car and is being filmed by an unidentified vrou, who is holding a baby on her lap.
Anushka vloeks and skels uit Mishqah, accusing her of skinnering about her. The argument also appears to be centred around a man named Ameer.
Mishqah asks Anushka not to moer her but the latter stops the vehicle and beats Mishqah with her fists until blood flows from her face.
“Wanneer wil jy ophou? Ek het jou nog die n*** man gegee en nog altyd gedra jy vir jou soos `n p***,” Anushka skels.
According to a source close to Mishqah’s family, she was accused of “stepping into” Anushka and Ameer’s marriage.
But, the insider said that while Ameer apparently smaaked Mishqah, she did not have feelings for him.
Anushka was subsequently charged with assault and crimen injuria and will return to court on September 6.
In the past week, social media users have also shared photographs of Ameer, with many poking fun at his appearance.
In the video, the unnamed ouma confirms that her grandson and Anushka separated two years ago.
“Ek is Ameer se ouma, ek is baie lief vir Ameer en het julle gehoor die storie wat die ou mense gesê het, as jy meng met die semels dan vreet die varke jou op,” she says.
“Dit maak vir my seer om te sien die dinge wat mense praat. Ja hy is nie perfect nie. Anushka is uit Ameer se lewe al twee jaar.”
@tiktoknews_sa Ameer's grandmother telling her side.#SAMA28 #foryoupage #foryou #foryoupageofficiall #justiceformishka #justiceformishka #anushkabraaf #ameer #nushbraaf #justiceformishqah #grandmother #capetown #muslim Anushka braaf and Mishqah @MishArend @Riri ♬ original sound - 🎥![CDATA[]]>𝙏![CDATA[]]>𝙄![CDATA[]]>𝙆![CDATA[]]>𝙏![CDATA[]]>𝙊![CDATA[]]>𝙆 𝙉![CDATA[]]>𝙀![CDATA[]]>𝙒![CDATA[]]>𝙎![CDATA[]]>📸
She goes on to say that Ameer’s mother cares for Anushka’s child and that mense should stop blaming him for the drama.
“Waar kom Ameer in? Ameer het nie gesê Anushka moet met Mishqah baklei. Sy is dan hoe lank weg van Ameer?
“So please mense, moenie soe judgemental wees nie.
“Moenie die focus op hom sit nie, sort vir Anushka uit. Ameer mag soe lyk, maar hy het gesorg vir sy kind.”
The Daily Voice reached out to interview the ouma on Thursday, but she said she would only speak out at Anushka’s next court appearance.