The thing about life is we don’t get slow-motion repeats, ever. It’s one continuous scene and we get to take responsibility for everything we do.
So, when it comes to cars and speed, taking responsibility means if you speed and you injure or kill another person, that’s something you live with. Really taking responsibility means taking it to the track. It stands to reason, the faster you go the more likelihood that you will be in, or cause, a crash. That’s because there’s way less time to react, to take evasive action, or even give those big Brembos a chance to do what they’re built to do.
Here’s the thing, if you’re driving a regular cabbie (read: not a hypercar) then everything becomes less stable at high speeds. Without proper aerodynamics air under the car increases life, the safety of airbags and seatbelts is lessened, and small errors become huge mistakes. Rather take it slow and easy.