It’s obvious to most of us that the faster you go, the less time you have to respond to objects in the road, and the less in control you are of your car (yes, it’s true). Slower driving, we know, saves lives.
But people will speed anyway, and those who do also tend to get annoyed, especially at slow drivers in the fast lane. Even if that’s justified, think about what it does. Now you have an angry person driving at high speed; if that’s not a recipe for disaster Bobby doesn’t know what is.
Over long distances, on those straight roads where 120km/h feels rather slow, is another place to rather rein it in. Again, there’s the unholy combination of speed and fatigue that kicks in, heightening the potential of a crash.
Some drivers even talk about catch-up time after a coffee break, which makes even less sense. Catching up to what , Bobby asks? Travel is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.