So it’s confirmed then, Ria Ledwaba’s candidacy to stand for Safa Presidency has been approved by the Safa Governance Committee.
I thought about many ways to write that opening line, so as to avoid being called out for picking sides.
It is what it is, from where I’m sitting, the noise is that the majority of the football community has had and seen enough from Danny Jordaan.
It’s been everybody versus Danny for a while now. When Ria announced her candidacy, the media went wild. Nobody even cares who Solly Mohlabeng, the Safa Tshwane president who made himself available as a candidate, is.
It’s as if they’d been hungry for a candidate with enough PR clout. It’s no wonder Lucas Radebe’s name always pops up, the media like a popular name up there.
The once sharp bearded guy with political connections is now 70 years old and is as defiant as many of his predecessors with his time in the seat of the head of SA football leader coming to an end.
Ria is not exactly young either at 54, especially if she is referred to as “Godmother of the local game” like one headline did.
SA football doesn’t need a mother, it is nobody’s child. It’s the people’s game and everybody does and has done their bit. It’s not fair of other women who were or are still involved in the game as well.
It’s one of the reasons football loses so many great minds, because of this poster boy mentality that is applied to everything even when there’s no need.
Is there going to be a live debate? The SABC has been a trusted mouthpiece for Safa over the past few years, so I reckon we can expect a little bit more coverage of these elections.
I really do hope the social media experts also feed us our fix from the ground and make us feel closer to the process.