About 70 learners in Bloekombos have still not started school because the mobile classrooms promised by the WCED are yet to be installed at Emithini Primary School.
Kraaifontein community activist Linda Phito sounded the alarm on the delay of the project headed by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED).
Phito said the children were awaiting placement, with parents still coming to the school in search of a space for their children.
“The Department of Education has said that they are supposed to build four mobile classes at Emithini Primary School to accommodate Grade 8 learners, those who don’t have a space to learn, and the district promised that in March when the school is opened, everything will be finished.
“But unfortunately, when I asked the principal, he didn’t have the answers,” Phito told the Cape Argus.
He adds: “The learners are staying at home and do not attend to any school work.”
A parent and member of the school governing body, Nontando Mpotye, says they are waiting for answers.
“The department has to be serious about the future of our children as they are stressed being at home and now exposed to drugs.
“The principal is unable to give us answers as people are losing hope on this project.”
WCED spokesperson Bronagh Hammond said the project was given the go-ahead for implementation on February 9, 2022.
“The civil work at the school was completed; however, the contractor experienced a delay in receipt of material, hence no work being undertaken recently, delaying the completion of the project,” she said.
The contractor had informed the department that they were awaiting receipt of the material last week Friday and construction was expected to restart, pending delivery, this week.