An alleged drunk motorist thought he was in the Fast and the Furious when his bakkie overturned and ended up on the railway line in Muizenberg.
The incident took place just after 11pm on Tuesday night near the colourful Baileys Cottage on Muizenberg Main Road.
The crash was captured on video and shared in WhatsApp crime groups, and shows a white vehicle, branded with Value Truck Rental and Logistics, lying on its side on the train tracks.
Police spokesperson Captain FC van Wyk confirmed the incident and says cops patrolling the area were alerted to the occurrence: “This office can confirm an accident on Tuesday at about 11.46pm on Beach Road, Muizenberg. On arrival, they found a Toyota Corolla on the pavement and an Opel Corsa LDV that were involved in an accident.”
According to Van Wyk, the 23-year-old driver of the Opel Corsa bakkie was arrested and taken to the Shadow Centre in Athlone for a blood alcohol test.
Van Wyk adds: “Muizenberg Police detained the man on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol.”
Value Logistics confirmed the vehicle involved in the accident was rented to a customer.
The company owner says: “It is our vehicle but not my driver, it is a third-party driver. We just booked it out to the investigating officer on our side, who will launch an investigation to find out what happened.”
Heide Goodman of the Muizenberg Community Policing Forum adds: “We are concerned about the number of late-night accidents happening on the main roads in the south peninsula and the absence of vehicle checkpoints (VCP) on these roads.
“The VCPs are happening, but at ‘easy’ locations and at ‘convenient’ times for SAPS staff, and not when and where they are needed.”