Oh, my lovies, this is a tough one for Auntie Pearl to write, but the time has come.
After more than a decade of dishing out advice, rekking her bek, giving some pearls and a few friendly klappe of wisdom, and sharing all the love I’ve got for each of you, Auntie Pearl is officially putting away her pen.
Ja, you heard right – after all these years, it’s time for this Auntie to retire from the Daily Voice.
From the Cape Flats to every corner of this beautiful country, Auntie’s inbox has been filled with your letters. Some were wild, some were heartbreaking, some were funny, and some were almost unbelievable… but all of them real.
Together, we’ve tackled everything from huisraatjies to heartache, nosy neighbours who don’t know when to shut their bek, to love triangles so spicy they belong in a soap opera!
And through it all, I’ve been blessed with your trust, laughter, and, let’s be honest, sometimes a few raised eyebrows.
But here’s the thing: Auntie Pearl is no spring chicken anymore, and after so many years of sharing advice with you, it’s time for this ou vrou to enjoy a little peace and quiet (and maybe even take my own advice for once!).
Don’t think Auntie is just going to fade away – you can take Pearl out of the Daily Voice, but you can’t take the Daily Voice out of this Auntie!
Keep your eyes peeled, I might be sharing some more words of wisdom on special occasions.
To all my dear readers on the Flats and beyond, I want to say a massive THANK YOU!
You welcomed me into your homes and hearts, shared your joys and tears, and most importantly, trusted me to help guide you through life’s ups and downs. It’s been my absolute honour to k this road with you.
So here’s to all of you, the true heartbeat of the Daily Voice. I’m going to miss our chats, but this isn’t goodbye – it’s just “see you around, my lovies”.
With all my love, and one last big hug,
Auntie Pearl
Feedback letters:
Auntie, you won’t believe it, but after your advice, I finally got my mom to stop commenting on my weight every time I see her. I took your advice and told her straight up, “Mommy, I know you mean well, but I love myself just the way I am, and I’d appreciate it if you showed me love without the comments.” She looked shocked at first but has rekked her bek once about my weight since then!
Auntie, you gave me the courage to stand up for myself without being rude. Thank you for that!
Confident in My Own Skin
Dear Auntie Pearl, your advice about handling my 15-year-old daughter’s teenage attitude worked like magic! Instead of getting into shouting matches, you told me to stay calm, pick my battles, and remind her that I’m still her parent, not her friend. It was hard at first, but Auntie, the tension in our house has eased up so much. She’s still got her moments, but now we can actually talk without things blowing up.
Thanks for helping me find my inner calm, Auntie. I’m finally starting to enjoy being a mom again!
Hi there Auntie. Die skinnerbek by die werk is uitgesort! Thank you for the wysheid you gave me. You said to kill her with kindness and redirect the conversation every time she started up with her nonsense. It took some patience, but eventually, she got the hint.
Now, instead of gossiping, we actually talk about more interesting things like our favourite TV shows and what we’re cooking for dinner.
You were right, Auntie, sometimes it’s not about shutting people down, but changing the game. My workdays are much more peaceful now, thanks to you!
Dear Auntie Pearl, thank you for your advice. You were right, I needed to stop focusing on whether my boyfriend smaaks me because he felt something and instead ask myself what I wanted. I realised I deserve more than wondering about a guy’s feelings based on one night.
I had a heart-to-heart with him, and now I feel so much better knowing where we stand. No more guessing games for me!
You always know how to keep it real, Auntie! Thank you for helping me see my worth.
Liewe Antie Pearl, dankie vir jou raad oor my sweet probleem. Ek het gedink ek was heeltemal alleen met my underarms wat soos watervalle lyk, maar jy het my laat besef dat daar altyd oplossings is.
Auntie se huisraat (en thanks to a visit to the doctor), is dinge beter.
Ek 'n spesiale antiperspirant gekry, en ek werk aan improving my health!
Dit het my lewe verander. Thanks, Auntie. Ek is so dankbaar.
Dear Auntie Pearl, I wanted to let you know that your advice helped me more than I can say. You told me to focus on my kids and find strength in their love when I was struggling with addiction.
You were so right. I found a support group, and I’ve been clean for three months now.
It hasn’t been easy, but whenever I feel like giving up, I remember your words about being there for my children and how they need me to be strong and healthy.
Thank you for believing in me, Auntie. You’ve been my rock.
Auntie, I finally had the courage to confront my fiancé about his phone sex addiction. It wasn’t easy, but I took your advice and didn’t keep quiet any longer. I told him how much his actions were hurting me and how it made me feel swak.
He’s agreed to go for counselling with our pastor, and we’re working through things. Thank you for helping me see that I deserve honesty and respect.
Dankie vir jou raad oor my klein borste. Auntie het my getune ek moet ophou worry oor wat ek nie het nie en eerder begin waardeer wat ek wel het. Kwaai!
Ek het jou advies gevolg en my selfvertroue begin bou. Ek het begin oefen en gesond eet, en weet jy wat? Ek voel pragtig soos ek is.
Ek besef nou dat ek nie plastiese chirurgie of enige ander goed nodig het om gelukkig te wees nie. Jou woorde het my baie gehelp.
Van Small But Confident
Auntie Pearl you were right! I had to have a proper sit-down with my girlfriend and tell her how much it hurt when she kept breaking up with me. We had the most honest conversation we’ve ever had, and it turns out she just needed more reassurance that I’m committed.
We’re stronger than ever now, and I owe it all to your wisdom.
Thanks for always keeping it real, Auntie. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Dear Auntie Pearl, I can’t thank you enough for your advice about telling my mom I liked a boy. I was so scared she’d be disappointed, but after talking to her, she was surprisingly understanding. She just asked that I focus on my schoolwork and not rush into anything serious. Your advice gave me the confidence to be honest with her, and now I don’t have to sneak around!
Thank you, Auntie Pearl, for always knowing just what to say.
Daily Voice