When it comes down to it, safety on the road is the responsibility of everyone who uses that road.
However, there are some road users who are more vulnerable than others, by virtue of not being in a car.
Pedestrians are one group. Bobby Nitro just can’t get his head around the fact that people still cross the N2 by foot. Sure, it’s a walk to the nearest bridge, but the risk taken is just too great. Sure, people might be afraid of thieves on the bridge, so the thing to do is to cross in groups.
For starters, it’s very tricky to judge distances when cars are going that fast, which leaves no room for error at all.
Second, drivers do not expect pedestrians on highways, and this is important, because that driver will be unprepared.
Same goes for pedestrian crossings. Here, drivers expect to find walkers, and are ready to stop.
It’s about playing ball, if you’re a pedestrian, don’t do the unexpected, because that can get you killed.